Online Documentation for SQL Manager for DB2
A Server is a unit of information that identifies a data source to a federated server. This information can include the server's name, its type, its version, and the name of the wrapper that the federated server uses to communicate with and retrieve data from the data source.
A server can be the target for a request from a remote RDBMS and the RDBMS that provides the data.
To create a new server:
- select the Database | New Object... main menu item;
- select Server in the Create New Object dialog;
- edit server properties using the appropriate tabs of Server Editor.
Hint: To create a new server, you can also right-click the Server node of the DB Explorer tree and select the New Server... context menu item.
To edit an existing server:
- select the server for editing in the DB Explorer tree (type the first letters of the server name for quick search);
- right-click the object and select the Edit Server <server_name>... context menu item, or simply double-click the server;
- edit server definition using the appropriate tabs of Server Editor.
To drop a server:
- select the server to drop in the DB Explorer tree;
- right-click the object and select the Drop Server <server_name>... context menu item;
- confirm dropping in the dialog window.
Note: If more convenient, you can also use the following shortcuts:
Ctrl+N to create a new server;
Ctrl+O to edit the selected server;
Shift+Del to drop the object from the database.