Online Documentation for SQL Manager for DB2

Specifying fields to load

This step allows you to specify columns to be loaded.


CLP Load - Specifying fields to load




This group contains options pertaining to selection of table columns for loading data.

Depending on the File type specified at the Specifying data source and destination step of the wizard, different sets of options are available.


RadioButton Select all columns from the external input file

This option is available for the DEL, WSF and IXF file types. If the option is selected, all the external file columns are selected for load (by default).


RadioButton Selection of columns from the external input file is by column name

This option is available for the WSF and IXF file types. If the option is selected, external file columns will be selected by their names.


RadioButton Selection of columns from the external input file is by column position

This option is available for the DEL, WSF and IXF file types. If the option is selected, you can define the order of selected columns in the list by setting the Position value.


RadioButton Selection of columns from the external input file is by column location

This option is available for the ASC file type. If the option is selected, data will be loaded from the external Non-delimited ASCII file columns according to the specified End and Start values.



Click the Next button to proceed to the Specifying additional parameters step of the wizard.