Online Documentation for SQL Manager for DB2

Specifying additional parameters

At this step of the wizard some additional CLP load parameters can be specified.


CLP Load - Specifying additional parameters



Use tablespace

Use the drop-down list to select the table space in which a shadow copy of the rebuilt index is placed and then copied over to the original table space at the end of the load.


Indexing mode

This setting specifies whether the load utility is to rebuild indexes or to extend them incrementally. Use the drop-down list to select the preferable value:


Automatically set

Stands for the AUTOSELECT mode. If this mode is selected, the load utility will automatically decide between the REBUILD and INCREMENTAL modes. The decision is based on the amount of data being loaded and the depth of the index tree.


Rebuild indexes

Stands for the REBUILD mode. If this mode is selected, all indexes will be rebuilt.


Extend indexes

Stands for the INCREMENTAL mode. If this mode is selected, indexes will be extended with new data.


Do not attempt index creation

Stands for the DEFERRED mode. If this mode is selected, the load utility will not attempt index creation if this mode is specified. Indexes will be marked as needing a refresh.


CheckBox Collect statistics based on the profile defined for the current table

The option instructs the load utility to collect statistics during the load operation according to the profile defined for this table. This profile must be created before load is executed.


CheckBox Non-recoverable load

Enabling this option implies that the load transaction is to be marked as non-recoverable and that it will not be possible to recover it by a subsequent rollforward utility.


CheckBox Start load immediately, forcing other applications

If this option is selected, load is started immediately, and applications are forced off the system to allow for the load operation.


CheckBox Check pending cascade immediate

This option indicates that Set Integrity Pending state is immediately extended to all descendent foreign key tables, descendent immediate materialized query tables and descendent staging tables.


CheckBox Leave the table in quiesced exclusive state after load

If the option is selected, the table specified at the Specifying data source and destination step will remain locked for exclusive access after the load operation is completed.



Access level


RadioButton Allow no access

Specifies that the CLP load utility locks the target table for exclusive access during the load.


RadioButton Allow read access

Specifies that the CLP load utility locks will lock the target table in a share mode. Data that existed before the start of the load will be accessible by readers to the table, data that is being loaded is not available until the load is complete.


CPU parallelism

The parameter specifies the number of processes or threads used by the load utility to parse, convert, and format data records.


Disk parallelism

The parameter specifies the number of processes or threads used by the load utility to write data records to disk.



Click the Next button to proceed to the Loading data step of the wizard.