Online Documentation for SQL Management Studio for InterBase/Firebird
First time started
This is how SQL Management Studio for InterBase/Firebird looks when you start it for the first time. Use the Desktop panel to fulfill any database management task, or start a utility.
The main menu allows you to perform various Database operations, activate/deactivate toolbars, Navigation bar panes and tool descriptions within the View menu, access SQL Studio tools in groups using items of the Navigate menu, run any Studio tool using the Run menu, customize the application using the Options menu, access Registration information and product documentation using the corresponding items available within the Help menu.
The Navigation bar on the left allows you to switch between the activities in groups:
The main toolbar duplicates items of the Navigation bar and is implemented for quick access to SQL Studio activities.
To start working with your Interbase/Firebird, you should first register the host using Register Host wizard. After that you need to register one or several databases using Register Database Wizard.
By default the corresponding Register /
Unregister Host,
Register /
Unregister Database,
Database Registration Info buttons are available on the toolbar of DB Explorer and within the Database menu.
DB Explorer which is located below the Navigation bar displays all registered hosts and databases; you can add and remove items to/from the Explorer tree, browse registration information on hosts and databases and start Interbase/Firebird services for selected databases. You can also use this database registration information in utilities integrated in SQL Management Studio for InterBase/Firebird.
When the database connection settings are specified, you can set connection to your database and proceed to Database Management & Manipulation, Scheduling & Performing tasks, and other tools of SQL Studio.
See also: |