Online Documentation for SQL Management Studio for InterBase/Firebird

Working with toolbars

The Main toolbar can be found above the scratch of Desktop Panel. By selecting its corresponding bars you switch between the activities concerned with Interbase/Firebird and data management.





By default the main toolbar items represent the following Interbase/Firebird and data management activities:


DBManagement Database management

DataManipulation Data Manipulation

DataAnalysis Data Analysis

TemplateManagement Template Management


CustomTasks Custom Tasks

TaskScheduler Task Scheduler

Logs Logs



The toolbar of DB Explorer contains items for the Interbase/Firebird database registration repository management:





RegisterHost Register Host

UnregisterHost Unregister Host

RegisterDB Register Database

UnregisterDB Unregister Database

DBRegistrationInfo Database Registration Info



If necessary, you can be customize the program toolbars according to your preferences.