Online Documentation for Data Pump for SQL Server

Step 5 - Editing target objects

At this step of the wizard you can browse the estimated content of the target database in a tree of objects, view definitions of the corresponding source objects and edit the target object definitions.


Step 5 - Editing target objects


The tree of the target SQL Server database objects is displayed in the Target database content area.


The context menu of the Target database content area can be used to expand/collapse the tree nodes. To call the context menu, right-click any node in the Target database content area.


Step 5 - Target database content - Context menu


The context menu of the Source database content area allows you to:

iconExpandAll expand all nodes of the tree

iconCollapseAll collapse all nodes of the tree


Depending on the current selection in the Target database content area, the Source object definition area displays the properties of the corresponding source database object.


The Target object definition area allows you to view and edit the target SQL Server database object properties:


To apply and discard the changes made within the Target object definition area, use the Apply and the Cancel buttons respectively.


Click the Next button to proceed to Viewing/editing generated script.