Online Documentation for Data Pump for SQL Server

Target key properties

The Target object definition area of Step 5 allows you to view and edit the target iconObjects_PrimaryKey Primary key / iconObjects_UniqueKey Unique key / iconObjects_FK Foreign key properties:


Step 5 - Editing target objects - Target key properties


Name - specifies the key name


Type (read only) - view the constraint type: Primary key, Unique key, Foreign key


Columns (read only) - view the column(s) used by the constraint


Foreign Table (read only) - view the name of the foreign table


Foreign Columns (read only) - view the foreign columns (for Foreign key)


ON DELETE rule - specifies the ON DELETE rule: NO ACTION, CASCADE, SET NULL (for Foreign key)


ON UPDATE rule - specifies the ON UPDATE rule: NO ACTION, CASCADE, SET NULL (for Foreign key)


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