Online Documentation for SQL Manager for SQL server
Basic elements
Report designer's working area consists of the following elements: Main menu, Report Tree, Data Tree, Workspace and Object inspector.
Main menu
This element is located by default in the top left part of the window. You can view report structure as a tree.
Report tree has the following tabs you can switch between: Code, Data, Page and Dialog Page.
Allows working with the report script.
Displays data structure of the report.
Displays printing form of the report.
Displays dialog form of the report.
This element is located by default in the bottom left part of the window. Structure of the data defined with the ADOTable and
ADOQuery is displayed here as a tree.
Main working space is located in the center of the window.
Allows viewing and changing properties of the selected object. By default this element is located in the right part of the window.
Note: Object Inspector can be opened by pressing the F11 keyboard button.