Online Documentation for SQL Manager for SQL server

Adding database and query components

To start working with report you need to define data source.


Report Designer - Adding database component


Adding database component


In order to add the Database component:

  • proceed to the Data tab of Report tree;
  • pick the iconFastReport_ADODatabase ADO Database component on the toolbar (on the left);
  • click within the working area - the corresponding ADODatabase1 icon appears in the area;
  • use the Edit item of the component context menu item;
  • in the appeared window define database connection parameters using the connection string or the standard windows dialog window that can be opened by pressing the EllipsisButton ellipsis button. SQL Native Client should be specified as data provider;
  • make sure that the Connected property value in the Object Inspector is set to True.


Adding table component


In order to add the Table component:

  • proceed to the Data tab of Report tree;
  • pick the iconReportDesigner_ADOTable ADOTable component on the toolbar (on the left);
  • click within the working area - the corresponding ADOTable1 icon appears in the area;
  • Define the following options in the Object Inspector: Database (select any defined iconReportDesigner_ADODatabase ADODatabase) and TableName (select a table from the connected database). Once TableName is specified, all columns from this table are displayed in the Data Tree.


Adding query component


In order to add the Query component:

  • proceed to the Data tab of Report tree;
  • pick the iconFastReport_ADOQuery ADO Query component on the toolbar (on the left);
  • click within the working area - the corresponding ADOQuery1 icon appears in the area;
  • use the Object Inspector to define the following properties: Database (select any defined iconReportDesigner_ADODatabase ADODatabase) and SQL (press the EllipsisButton ellipsis button to open Query Data where you can define query text).