Online Documentation for SQL Backup for SQL Server

Create a policy based on predefined templates

There is a set of predefined policies, tasks, steps and schedules in EMS SQL Backup that can be used for rapid maintenance policy creation.


All predefined templates with descriptions can be found on the Templates tab.


In order to add a predefined task to a policy you need to proceed to the second step of the Policy wizard, select the Tasks section, click the CreatePolicyTaskFromTemplate Create New from Template button and select the needed task template.


In order to add a predefined step to a task in a policy you need to proceed to the second step of the Policy wizard, select the Steps section, click the CreatePolicyTaskFromTemplate Create New from Template button and select the needed step template.


In order to add a predefined schedule to a task in a policy you need to proceed to the second step of the Policy wizard, select the Schedules section, click the CreatePolicyTaskFromTemplate Create New from Template button and select the needed schedule template.