Online Documentation for Advanced Data Import for RAD Studio VCL

Version history

Product name


Release date

Advanced Data Import for RAD Studio VCL

Version 3.14

December 26, 2022

Advanced Data Import for RAD Studio VCL

Version 3.13

September 28, 2021

Advanced Data Import for RAD Studio VCL

Version 3.12

June 22, 2020

Advanced Data Import for RAD Studio VCL

Version 3.11

December 13, 2018

Advanced Data Import for RAD Studio VCL

Version 3.10.1

April 20, 2017

Advanced Data Import for RAD Studio VCL

Version 3.10

March 7, 2016

Advanced Data Import for RAD Studio VCL

Version 3.9.6

May 17, 2016

Advanced Data Import for RAD Studio VCL

Version 3.9.4

June 5, 2015

Advanced Data Import for RAD Studio VCL

Version 3.9.3

April 8, 2015

Advanced Data Import for RAD Studio VCL

Version 3.9.2

October 3, 2014

Advanced Data Import for RAD Studio VCL

Version 3.9

October 29, 2013

Advanced Data Import for RAD Studio VCL

Version 3.8

May 16, 2013

Advanced Data Import for RAD Studio VCL

Version 3.7

October 12, 2012

Advanced Data Import for RAD Studio VCL

Version 3.6

March 30, 2012

Advanced Data Import for RAD Studio VCL

Version 3.5

December 15, 2011

Advanced Data Import for RAD Studio VCL

Version 3.4

October 10, 2011

Advanced Data Import for RAD Studio VCL

Version 3.3

November 11, 2010

Advanced Data Import for RAD Studio VCL

Version 3.2

December 11, 2009

Advanced Data Import for RAD Studio VCL

Version 3.1

January 19, 2009

Advanced Data Import for RAD Studio VCL

Version 3.0

November 19, 2007


        Version 3.14

1. XPath and DataLocation properties of the TQImport3XMLDoc component are now saved to the configuration file.

2. The error messages are provided with related dataset column name now.

3. 'Out of memory' error on loading large XML files has been resolved.

4. Memory consumption of the TQImport3XLS component has been optimized.

5. TQImport3DBF caused 'Out of list index range' error in case of gaps in mapped fields. Fixed now.

6. The ImportToCSV method of TQImport3 class is marked as deprecated now.

7. TQImport3ODSEditor, TQImport3ODTEditor, TQImport3XlsxEditor: SheetName was dependent on FileName property. Now it's been set separately.

8. The check for Access database password protection fixed.

9. The parsing of XML files with FIELDS tag only has been fixed.

10. The error occured on importing ODS files with empty column. Fixed now.

11. Fixed string encoding error for Windows 64-bit platform applications.

12. Other minor fixes and improvements.


        Version 3.13

1. Support for RAD Studio 11 Alexandria implemented.

2. End of support for RAD Studio 2009 and older versions.

3. The Range out of bounds error fixed in TfmQImport3Editor editor on calling a Map... menu item.

4. Lines from CSV files were sometimes mixed up. Fixed now.

5. Encoding for XML package files added to the TQImport3Wizard dialog.

6. A ReadToEnd method added to the TQImport3Encoding class to read and encode large files at better performance.

7. Drawing issues occurred on vertical scrolling in TQImport3TXTViewer. Fixed now.

8. An error occurred when reading XML data packet with UTF-8-BOM encoding with TEncodedReadStream.ReadToEnd method. Fixed now.

9. XML Access parser improved to view data in a grid.

10. TQImport3ASCII in text mode did not correctly process control characters, such as TAB. Fixed now.

11. Images are now imported correctly from XML files.

12. Other fixes and improvements.


        Version 3.12

1. Implemented support for RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney.

2. Improved preview for XLSX files in TQImport3Wizard component.

3. The error occurred on cross-mapping columns in XLSX. Fixed now.

4. The interface froze if the TQImport3Xlsx.SheetName property contained an erroneous sheet name. Fixed now.

5. Mapping was not always displayed correctly in TfmQImport3TXTEditor. Fixed now.

6. Now the TQImport3Xlsx.Execute method returns True on successful import and False if it fails.

7. The error occurred on using two digits for year format. Fixed now.

8. Fixed error of defining the end of data stream in TQImport3Xlsx.

9. XML files with empty tags were previewed incorrectly. Fixed now.

10. Row values in OnUserDefinedImport event handler were not processed correctly for DateTime columns. Fixed now.

11. Now XLSX file data can be imported even if it's opened in the MS Excel app.

12. Encoding for XML SOAP files was not defined correctly. Fixed now.

13. Other fixes and improvements.


         Version 3.11

1. Implemented support for RAD Studio 10.3 Rio.

2. The OnImportCheckField event handler added to the  TQImport3Wizard component.

3. Import into BLOB columns implemented.

4. New SAX XML parser implemented to improve processing of big files.

5. XLS. Import supports 1904 date system now.

6. The ColCount property of the TXlsxWorkSheet class is calculated correctly now.

7. Content of JScript editor was not saved to a template file. Fixed now.

8. JScript didn’t save mapping to a selected field. Fixed now.

9. Import settings were not saved if AutoSaveTemplate and CloseAfterImport properties were set to True. Fixed now.

10. Null values were not replaced correctly with custom values. Fixed now.

11. Now empty strings ('') are stored correctly in the configuration file.

12. Many other improvements and fixes.


        Version 3.10.1

  1. Support of RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo added.
  2. The possibility to set topics of help file in the TQExport4Dialog.HelpContext or TQExport4Dialog.HelpTopic properties added.
  3. There were issues with TQImport3Wizard controls layout when large system fonts used. Fixed now.
  4. Some data was not displayed at the 'Data Formats' tab of the TQImport3Wizard dialog after loading template. Fixed now.
  5. Some other small bug fixes.


 Version 3.10

  1. Support for 64-bit Windows target platform has been added.
  2. Drag-and-drop for fields mapping has been implemented.
  3. Processing of big XLSX, DOCX, ODS and ODT files has been cosiderably improved.
  4. Possibility of importing the latest MS Access file versions has been added.
  5. Now it's possible to import data from XLSX files containing unicode symbols in names.
  6. HelpFile property has been added to the TQImport3Wizard component. It allows assigning a custom help file name for the application using TQImport3Wizard component.
  7. Added possibility to set the import format automatically in the TQImport3Wizard component after loading the import file.
  8. The biMinimize and biMaximize border icons have been added to the TQImport3WizardF form.
  9. When the AutoLoadTemplate property is set to True and the template file is loaded from code, the boolean values were not shown in Wizard editors. Fixed now.
  10. TQImport3XLS and TQImport3Xlsx components were unable to read XLS and XLSX files with charts. Fixed now.
  11. If the last column of CSV file contained no value the column didn't appear in the map dialog window. Fixed now.
  12. If CSV file contained less than 20 rows the last row didn't appear in the map dialog window. Fixed now.
  13. If CSV contained CRLF symbols data was not read correctly. Fixed now.
  14. If the CloseAfterImport property was set to True it always closed the wizard independently of the ConfirmOnCancel property state. Fixed now.
  15. If the 'Close wizard after import' option was enabled, the progress bar wasn't displayed. Fixed now.
  16. Other minor improvements and bugfixes.


 Version 3.9.6

  1. Added support of RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin
  2. The OnCancelSetFieldValue and OnSetFieldValueAction event handlers were added to cancel assigning of field values and support adding any code to control assigning of field values.
  3. The ImportEmptyRows property couldn't be set in component wizard. Fixed now.
  4. The resource file identifiers conflicted with the Report Builder by Digital Metaphors component suite. Fixed now.
  5. Other minor bug-fixes and improvements.


 Version 3.9.4

  1. RAD Studio XE8 support added.


 Version 3.9.3

  1. Added support of RAD Studio XE7.
  2. Now it is possible to hide invisible fields of the binded Dataset or DBGrid in component editors. "SkipInvisibleColumns" property was implemented in TQImport3 class.
  3. Now it is possible to hide invisible fields of the binded dataset or DBGrid in TQImport3Wizard component. "SkipInvisibleColumns" property was implemented in TQImport3Wizard class.
  4. Now the active import component is passed as "Sender" parameter into some TQImport3Wizard events that are triggered during import process. This should simplify obtaining extra info about import process in event handlers.
  5. New error event "OnError" was added into import components. This event is triggered with exceptions on any stages of the import process and provides an info about the current stage as well as an error message text.
  6. Some bug fixes.


 Version 3.9.2

  1. Added support of RAD Studio XE7.
  2. Now it is possible to hide invisible fields of the binded Dataset or DBGrid in component editors. "SkipInvisibleColumns" property was implemented in TQImport3 class.
  3. Now it is possible to hide invisible fields of the binded dataset or DBGrid in TQImport3Wizard component. "SkipInvisibleColumns" property was implemented in TQImport3Wizard class.
  4. Now the active import component is passed as "Sender" parameter into some TQImport3Wizard events that are triggered during import process. This should simplify obtaining extra info about import process in event handlers.
  5. New error event "OnError" was added into import components. This event is triggered with exceptions on any stages of the import process and provides an info about the current stage as well as an error message text.
  6. Some bug fixes.


 Version 3.9

  1. Added support of RAD Studio XE5.
  2. QImport3XML. Added import from MS Access XML format files.
  3. Qimport3Docx. Added BLOB fields import.
  4. Other improvements and bug fixes.


 Version 3.8

  1. Added support of Embarcadero RAD Studio XE4.
  2. Each value of the imported field can be processed using expressions in MS JScript. To the TQImportFieldFormat class the TqiStrings Script property containing the script code is added. To the TQImport3 basic class the ScriptEngine property of TQImport3ScriptEngine type is added. This property contains a reference to the component that will execute a script. The TQImport3ScriptEngine is the basic type, it sets the program logic and located in the QImport3ScriptEngine.pas module. It inherited the TQImport3JscriptEngine class, which works with the TScriptControl object from the QImport3MSScriptControlTLB.pas module in the context of MS JScript. You can also write your successor of the TQImport3ScriptEngine class to implement random script syntax. For TQImport3JscriptEngine the scrip execution result corresponds to the last variable value. If you want to use a filed value in the script, you need to specify the field name enclosed in percent signs -% in TQImportFieldFormat.Script. Below there is an example showing how to get a field value, convert it to number and increase on a numeric value of the current month:
  3. // FieldName means a filed name
  4. R = %FieldName%;
  5. var D = New Date();
  6. k = parseInt(R) + D.getMonth() + 1;
  7. If a script for the field is set, it will have the highest priority in the field processing. I.e. the generator will not start, if it is set, etc.
  8. Now, instead of the imported field value the following values can be substituted: current date, current time, current date and time, full name of the imported file, short name of the imported file. To the TQImportFieldFormat class the Functions property of TQImportFunctions = (ifNone, ifDate, ifTime, ifDateTime, ifLongFileName, ifShortFileName) type is added;
  9. QImport3HTML. Data from the files was imported. Fixed now.
  10. If format masks correspond to system masks, they were not saved in the dfm file. Fixed now.
  11. QImport3Xlsx. The InlineStr cell values were not imported. Fixed now.
  12. QImport3ASCII. Some errors occurred while working with CSV files. Fixed now.
  13. Other improvements and bug fixes.


 Version 3.7

  1. Added support of RAD Studio XE3.
  2. Reading multi-byte encoding files caused data corruption. Fixed now.
  3. QImport3Xlsx. When importing some files, an Access Violation error occurred. Fixed now.
  4. QImport3Xlsx. When reading data in cells containing non-printable characters, an error occurred. Fixed now.
  5. QImport3Xlsx. The Date/Time datatypes were displayed incorrectly. Fixed now.
  6. QImport3Wizard. Import from CSV. When setting a MAP property, file data contained line break characters in the field values were displayed incorrectly. Fixed now.
  7. QImport3Wizard. When importing from CSV and TXT, incorrect default encoding applied. Fixed now.
  8. QImport3Wizard. Import from TXT. When loading a template in the MAP property settings, values ​​of the block position and size were reversed. Fixed now.
  9. QImport3Wizard. Even if the import process is fully complete, ProgressBar did not show 100% completion for some types of import. Fixed now.
  10. Other improvements and bugfixes.


 Version 3.6

  1. Added the "Functions" property (TQImportFunctions = (ifNone, ifDate, ifTime, ifDateTime, ifLongFileName, ifShortFileName) to the TQImportFieldFormat class. This property allows to replace the imported value to the corresponding current date, current time, current date and time, the full name of the imported file, the short name of the imported file.
  2. QImport3Xlsx. Restored the compatibility with the old-format config-file.
  3. QImport3Xlsx. When setting a custom data format for numbers, the date format was applied to the values. Fixed now.
  4. ADO_QImport3Access. The Blob data were not imported. Fixed now.
  5. QImport3Xlsx. The first empty cell caused stopping the data import from the column. Fixed now.
  6. QImport3Xlsx. When specifying column X1 in the Map, the data were imported from column A1. Fixed now.
  7. QImport3Xlsx. If the date data format did not match the system format, an error occurred. Fixed now.
  8. QImport3Xls. The absence of data in a column or in a row caused the error. Fixed now.
  9. Other improvements and bugfixes.


 Version 3.5

  1. TQImport3XML. Unicode support is added.
  2. TQImport3Xlsx. The parsing logic of the Map property has been changed, now it is possible to specify the following parameters:
    • range of cells in the row or column - A1-F1, B1-B12, C1-ROWFINISH, K4-COLFINISH;
    • sheet name - [Sheet2]B1-B6;
    • sheet number - [:3]D4-D9;
    • several cellsets for the same field - [Sheet2]C12-C2;[:1]A1-A8;
  3. Added the AutoTrimValue property. When AutoTrimValue = True, the Trim function will be applied to each string value.
  4. Added the ImportEmptyRows property. When ImportEmptyRows = False, the empty strings will not be imported
  5. When importing from Excel 2003 a formula was calculated incorrectly. Fixed now.
  6. TQImport3Wizard. Fractional numbers were always separated by a point, regional settings were discarded. Fixed now.
  7. Importing from CSV format caused the program hang-up. Fixed now.
  8. TQImport3Wizard. XML files were imported with empty strings. Fixed now.
  9. TQImport3Wizard. Strings longer than 8 KB were displayed incorrectly. Fixed now.
  10. TQImport3Wizard. Now it is possible to resize the window of the wizard.
  11. Other improvements and bugfixes.


 Version 3.4

  • Added support of Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2.


 Version 3.3

  • The support of Embarcadero RAD Studio XE is added.
  • When using the ASCII import type in RAD Studio 2010, strings were sometimes truncated. Fixed now.
  • QImport3XLS. When dealing with a large number of records, the destructor of the TXLSFile class was executed for too long. Fixed now.
  • QImport3Wizard. Added the possibility to select the encoding for the CSV import type.
  • QImport3Wizard. When reading from a template file, the Encoding, SkipLines and Map properties were not set for the import into the TXT format. Fixed now.
  • Dates of the "1.1.1900" format were imported incorrectly. Fixed now.
  • Some other small improvements and bug fixes.


 Version 3.2

  • Support of RAD Studio 2010 is added
  • Italian localization is added
  • In the Import Data wizard it is now possible to define the encoding when importing from text files
  • Added the saving/reading of configuration for the TADO_QImport3Access component
  • Memory leaks are eliminated
  • A problem occurred during the import from XLS files which contained Eastern languages characters. Fixed now
  • Fixed errors occurred when importing to StringGrid
  • Fixed errors occurred when reading formulas in XLS files
  • Resolved the type naming conflict which occurred when compiling component packages in C++ Builder
  • If the number of fields in the source and destination files did not coincide, an error occurred when importing to ListView. Fixed now
  • An error occurred in XLSX when the SheetName property had empty value. Fixed now
  • Other minor improvements and bug-fixes


 Version 3.1

  • Support of RAD Studio 2009 is added
  • Minor improvements and bug-fixes


 Version 3.0

  1. Six new data import components have been added:
  • TQImport3HTML component is intended for importing tables from HTML pages
  • TQImport3XMLDoc component is intended for importing generic XML files. The import from any XML file using XPath language and DataLocation (tlAttributes, tlSubNodes) is implemented
  • QImport3Xlsx component is intended for importing the MS Excel 2007 sheets
  • TQImport3Docx component is intended for importing the MS Word 2007 tables
  • TQImport3ODS component is intended for importing the OpenDocument Spreadsheet files (Open Document Format)
  • TQImport3ODT component is intended for importing the tables of the OpenDocument Text files (Open Document Format)
  1. Unicode support: now you are able to import Unicode data (UTF-8, UTF-16/UCS-2, UTF-32/UCS-4)
  2. With the new installer used, the components are installed and registered in Delphi / C++ Builder environment automatically
  3. Support of BDS 2006, RAD Studio 2007, Delphi 2007 and C++ Builder 2007 is added
  4. Memory usage and performance are improved; large files are imported significantly faster
  5. Other minor improvements and bug-fixes

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