Online Documentation for DB Extract for DB2

Step 7 - Setting up extraction options

At this step you can set the advanced extraction parameters and define query options for data extraction.


Metadata options


CheckBox Generate "DROP" statements

Check the option to add the DROP statements for the extracted objects in the result script.


CheckBox Extract privileges

Tick off the option if you want the privileges (permissions on the objects) to be extracted.


CheckBox Extract dependent objects

This option determines objects' dependencies usage in the extraction process.

Please keep in mind that some of dependent objects may be dropped from the result script in this case.


Select tablespace name

If you have selected tablespaces for extraction at the Specifying types of objects step, you can now define a tablespace as the container for the extracted objects. If necessary, you can also specify the Tablespace size (for FILE type containers) and the Container path using the ellipsis btnEllipsis button.


hs2116 - Step7 - Setting up extraction options



Data options


Records in block / CheckBox Insert "COMMIT" after each block

These controls allow you to define whether the COMMIT statement is inserted into the script or not, and to specify the number of records in each block to be supplemented with this statement.


CheckBox Delete existing records before insert

Generates the DELETE FROM statements before the INSERT INTO statements.



Data query options


This grid allows you to specify additional options for the SELECT statements used for data extraction.

Schema name

This column represents the schemas containing the tables selected for data extraction.


Limit data

By setting non-zero values in this column you can limit the number of records extracted from each table. The zero ("0") value indicates that all records of the table will be extracted.


Table name

This column contains the names of the tables.


Table data filter

Here you can specify the WHERE clauses for data extraction from each of the tables.


Note that you can define data query options not only for a single table, but also for multiple tables at a time by using the corresponding items of the context menu of the Data query options grid.


Step 6-7 - Context menu



When you are done, press the Next button to proceed to the next step of the wizard.