Online Documentation for DB Extract for DB2

Step 8 - Specifying file names and directories

At this step you should specify the file name and the directory where the result script will be saved.


Directory options


Default Directory

Type in the path or use the btnOpenFile button to specify the default directory for the result files to be placed in.


CheckBox Add to name

Check this option to add the current Date, Time or both to the specified name.



hs2118 - Step8 - Specifying file names and directories



File options


File Name

Set a name for the result *.sql file and type in or use the btnSaveAs button to specify the path to this file on your local machine or on a machine in the LAN.


CheckBox File charset

Choose the necessary charset for the file.


CheckBox Add to name

Check this option to add the current Date, Time or both to the specified name.


Compression options


Compress files

Check this option if you wish to add the result SQL script to a ZIP file.


Archive file name

Set a name for the compressed *.zip file and type in or use the btnSaveAs button to specify the path to this archive file on your local machine or on a machine in the LAN.


CheckBox Add to name

Check this option to add the current Date, Time or both to the specified name.


CheckBox Split to volumes

Check this option to split your archive to volumes. The size of the volume can be selected from the corresponding drop-down list or typed at the field.


BLOB options


In this group of options you can determine whether BLOB fields are not to be extracted, extracted as strings, or extracted into a separate file. If the latter is selected, you also need to specify the File name (the *.blo file where the BLOB data is to be stored) and the location of the file on your local machine using the btnSaveAs button.


Note: The SET BLOBFILE statement will be added to the result script when extracting the BLOB fields into a file. This statement is correctly executed only in EMS products.


CheckBox Compression

Check this option if you wish to compress the file containing BLOB data.


Compression level

Define the desired compression level to be applied for the file: None (selected by default), Normal, Fastest, Best.


CheckBox Add to name

Check this option to add the current Date, Time or both to the specified name.



When you are done, press the Next button to proceed to the next step of the wizard.