Online Documentation for SQL Manager for InterBase/Firebird
Using Navigation bar and Toolbar
The Navigation bar and Toolbar provide quick access to tools implemented in View Editor.
select a database
select a view for editing
compile the view (if it is being created/modified)
show SQL help
set printing options to print metadata of the view
save the object using the Quick Save feature
load the object from buffers using the Quick Load feature
refresh the content of the active tab
toggle Text / Visual editor modes
restore the default size and position of the editor window
adjust Visual Mode Editors options
view the dependency tree for the view
set autogrant privileges for the view
define grants on the view
edit the view query using Query Designer
browse the view subobjects using the Explorer tree
Depending on the current tab selection, the Navigation bar expands to one or more additional panes with tab-specific actions that can be useful for working with the view:
add a new trigger
edit selected trigger
drop selected trigger(s)
set trigger active/inactive
open selected trigger in a Trigger Editor
save object description to file
copy description to clipboard
Data Management
commit transaction
rollback transaction
export data from the view using Export Data Wizard
export data from the view as SQL script using Export as SQL Script Wizard
import data into the view using Import Data Wizard
Grant with Grant Option
Grant All
Grant All with Grant Option
Revoke All
Grant on All
Grant on All with Grant Option
Revoke on All
Add grantee object
save DDL to file
open DDL in Execute Script
Items of the Navigation bar are also available on the ToolBar of View Editor. To enable the toolbar, open the Environment Options dialog, proceed to the Windows section there and select Toolbar (if you need the toolbar only) or
Both (if you need both the toolbar and the Navigation bar) in the Bar style for child forms group.