Online Documentation for Data Import for MySQL

Step 9 - Setting common options

Using this step of the wizard you can set final import options.



CheckBox Commit when done

Check this option to commit the transaction after all records are imported.


Commit after each ... records

These control allows you to define the number of records in each block to be supplemented with the COMMIT statement.


CheckBox Rollback on error

Check this option to rollback the transaction if an error occurred.


Record Count

RadioButton Import all records

Specifies that all records of the source file will be imported.


RadioButton Import only ... record(s)

Specifies the number of records to be imported.


CheckBox Import empty rows

If this option is checked then empty records are imported.


CheckBox Auto trim values

Check this function to remove all leading and trailing white-space characters from all imported records.


CheckBox Save Result SQL Script to File

This option allows you to save the result SQL script of the import operation to an external *.sql file on your disk drive.

Specify the script file name and select its location using the btnSaveAs button which calls the Save As... dialog.


Step 8



CheckBox Skip this step

Check this option to skip the current step in the future. To edit the list of skipped steps, use the Skipped Steps group available in the General section of the Preferences dialog.


When you are done, press the Next button to proceed to the next step.